Wednesday, March 01, 2006

¡Cómo me lo paso!

Tiene ciertas ventajas esto de estar en el pluriempleo.
Por lo menos para reírme un rato.
Yendo de uno a otro trabajo, veo a dos pipiolos saltando la verja del instituto. Primero lanzan sus mochilas, luego observan y después se deslizan por la verja bajo la estupefacta mirada del barrendero municipal que ha presenciado toda la operación.
Nadie les ha visto, ¿nadie?
Me doy la vuelta con coche y le pito al muchacho que va por la acera despreocupado, a ver, nombre y apellidos, ¿a dónde vas? ¿te parece normal andar escapando por la verja? No, es que me dolía la cabeza, me ha dado permiso mi madre. Tiene su lógica, nadie ha dicho que el dolor de cabeza afecte a las piernas para saltar.
Así que nos vamos de vuelta, el chavalito con su mochila por la acera dando explicaciones y a pocos metros un coche con las luces de emergencia siguiéndole a veinte por hora.
-Anda entra y que yo te vea.
El barrendero seguía atentísimo la jugada y, yo creo, que satisfecho se reía mirando la cómica escena.

How I enjoy it!

To have more than one job has some advantages, at least to laugh a little.
When I was going from one to another job, I saw a guys going out the high school through the fence. First he threw his bag to the other side, then he took a look both sides of the street and finally he slid under the fence, under the attentive look of the street sweeper who was witness of the whole operation.
Nobody has seen him? Nobody?
I went back with my car and blew the horn.
-Hey! What’s your name? Where are you going? Do you think it is normal to escape through the fence?
- Well, my head aches, my mother has given me permission to go out the school…”
(It is logic. Nobody has said that the headache affects the legs to jump…)
So we went back, the boy with his bag was walking in the pavement given me excuses while we was driven my car with the emergency lights, following him at 20 Km/h.
- Go and let me see you come in the school!
The street sweeper was very attentive to the operation and, I think that, with satisfaction he laughed at the comic situation.


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